Monday, April 28, 2014



So, I'm working on this secret project, which has a pretty slim timelimit on it...I can't show any pictures, or speak in detail what it is, but here's what I can share about it... I am supposed to have 96 stitches on each...I'm supposed to decrease 16 of those and have 80 after a horribly long stretch of knitting... I decided to recount the stitches, now that I've done the last decrease on this first one... So I count...and I count again...a third time I count...and a fourth and a fifth...
Then I go down to the bottom, before the decreasing and count the stitches I had down there...about three times... Every time, I end up with 10 stitches too little...

I just want to cry... I've been working on this ONE thingy for over two days now...and I'm at the wrong amount of stitches...and I'd hate to rip it up again... The base of the second got 96 stitches allready... I have no idea why or how this happened... I just know that I can't deal with this and that I now probably won't be able to finish this thing in time...

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