Thursday, January 22, 2015

Scraps and computer problems!

*sigh* So the main reason why I haven't bothered to actually blog much so far this year, is because I haven't really done much interesting in the world of crafts. The only interesting projects I've been working on are either secrets or scraps. I've spent a whole lot of time trying to catch up on my Granny Bacon eternity scrap blanket...also known as solid rectangular granny square. It's actually become so big now that I can use it while sitting in my chair, and it is warmer than any other blankets we've got in the livingroom...not really surprising since it's about 60% wool scraps...

I almost managed to empty out the jar with scraps, but now I've started to fill it up again after roaming through my acrylic bags...there's so much icky scraps in those...

But the other, more complicated reason why I haven't bothered to blog to much lately is because I've been having computer problems...again. I swear, this laptop of mine have given me nothing but headache... I'm never buying a laptop from Dell ever again...or a computer with Windows 8 for that matter... It's been constantly a mess of freeze-ups and internet cut-outs, from the very start... I regret not calling up Dell sooner.
Two days ago, I decided to do back-ups of my important stuff because it started to stall again, and Bård figured that it was about time we rebooted Windows on it yet again. And good god that was a good thing to do! Wouldn't you know, yesterday when Bård got a call from the delivery guy that his new desktop was at the door, my laptop froze up completely and we weren't able to do shit with it. I were going to get Bård's old desktop when his new one arrived, so I've jumped from that shit to this shit. And this thing is shit because the monitor I'm using is crap and a half!
So, I spent a whole hour on the phone talking to a swedish guy at Dell, trying to fix this problem. He ended up sending me a new harddisk and new Windows disks that'll hopefully get here tomorrow at the earliest.

But Lizzy, I hear you say, this has only been the last couple of days, what about the entire month of january then? Welp! My danged laptop have had this problem where it stops pinging in certain of which has been Dropbox, which is the program I use to transfer the pictures taken with my phone to my computer so that I can blog them. This happened in early january, so getting the pictures off my phone have been too much of a hassle to be dealt with.

While I've been without a stable computer, I've frogged and restarted the "Fåvangkofte" jacket for my mother, but because of all this stress, I haven't been able to make much progress on it, sadly. But I'm getting there. Do not like to work this pattern with this yarn and colours though...

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