By the looks of it, I won't have to use more than 3 skeins + some of the scraps, which makes me happy. I love the feeling of having extra yarn, you never know when you will use the rest. If I didn't buy all the extra skeins for Bård's sweater, I couldn't have made these mittens without buying more yarn! It feels like saving in it's own, weird way...or am I just crazy?
I really enjoy making the thumbs like this, it's less work and it looks cleaner. Didn't think about it until I removed the thread, but I could do a step by step explaining how I did this on the next mitten. It's super easy to do and even a beginner could do this without problems.
I've still got to weave in the ends and stitch on the diamond snowflake, but I'll do that after I'm finished with both mittens.
Oddly enjoy, they don't seem too big now as they did earlier, so I think I'll only felt them on 40'C just to be sure.
Pepsi decided to join in on the fun too and started to chase after the ends of the mittens while I photographed them... Silly kitty...
And this is how my notes look so far.

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