Thursday, February 27, 2014

Now I'm just being lazy...

...and unmotivated. I can't keep focused on one project at the time these days and it's getting really annoying.

Pickle's cowl  currently measures about 21cm (8,2") and ofcourse I ran out of yarn. Need to do some yarn shopping for another skein pretty soon so I can finish it up and get it out of my life.

Right after I ran out of yarn there, I started this crocheted amigurumi doll, Fibi from Lalylala...with good help from Pickle actually. Since she gave me the pattern, she was also so nice to help me out whenever I needed it...which was quite often actually... BUT! For me being a complete n00b when it comes to crochet, I'm quite proud of myself to have gotten this much done!

Around the same time, I started on granny squares for charity! Ofcourse my phone ran out of battery so I couldn't get flash to work when I took this picture... But I got 10 squares finished and another 6 still in the making! The wool scraps are being slowly used up which makes me pretty happy! Can't wait to get to the more fun colors cause these are quite depressing in the long run.

And at long last, I got started on the swing skirt from Pickles...not to be confused with my friend Pickle... Got the waist band done now and I've ordered some elastic band from eBay.

But I'm still stuck on color combinations for the skirt itself... I don't want to end up with just a bunch of random colors either... But every combination I can think about gets shot down, so I don't know what to do with this thing...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Granny Squares for Charity!

Last week or so, I came across this fundraising for different orphanages ang kids in general all over Europe where knitters all over Norway made and donated clothes, blankets and toys for kids and teens.

They were currently having an Facebook event where one of the founders asked for squares to make blankets, and people are going crazy making tons of granny squares for it.
Since I recently sorted out two bags of scrap yarn, I came across a good bunch of wool yarn that I really don't have much use for.
Sadly there's not much fancy colors in there, but it's still wool and warm, and the thought that counts, right? So I am now currently crocheting granny squares out of all these scraps! ...quite boring granny squares to begin with... I found some more after I took this picture, so it'll be fun to see how many squares I can make! Starting off with the boring ones to make solid color squares.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Boring projects and crochet!

For some time now, I've been slowly working on this cowl in the swedish weave techique for dearest Pickle. But it's so slow and so boring and so tedious, that I can't help myself wanting to work with everything else, even though I promised myself not to start a new project until this cowl was finished.
I'm now at 16,5cm (6,5") so a little under 10cm (4") is left before I'm finished.

Last night when I just couldn't work on it anylonger, I picked up the Quatrefoil mittens I worked on in january and finished up the hand on the first one.

But tonight I didn't feel like either of the two projects, so I decided to start Fibi, the fox doll from Lalylala! Pickle sent me this pattern right after I talked about it previously on my blog. She had purchased the pattern for the fox some time ago, but it turned out too big for her taste, so she sent it to me so I could try it out. So I started it tonight! Got my yarn out, Senjagarn if you were wondering and my 2,5mm hook! It took me 4 failed attempts to get the magic loop method to work, but I am currently on round 4 (hopefully) without fail! Too proud of myself right now! I still got a hard time understanding the stitches, where each and every one of them are, where the end and the start of a round is and so on... so confusing and much more complicated than knitting...

But I really hope that I can do this doll! I've been drooling on several of the Lalylala dolls, expecially the sheep one...want it so if I can do this one, then I'll for sure purchase the sheep pattern! (their page is currently under construction, so the links to Lalylala might not work at the time this blogpost is posted).

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hammock for Pepsi is done!

A little late blogpost today, sorry about that! I decided to pull an allnighter last night and I crashed so bad in the afternoon that I forgot to do the bloggy thingy...

Finished up Pepsi's hammock early today and tied it on to a chair. Sadly the chair is too low so here's not really much of a hammock really...since it reaches the floor... But since Pepsi likes harder surfaces, he doesn't seem to care and has sat himself down on it a couple of times, which surprises me!

The yarn is Caron Simply Soft (red) and SparGarn (blue and grey) on 3,5mm hook. Single crochet all the way! Will have to find a different place to hang it up or make a new hammock for it to work properly...

Oh well! I finished off the secret project yesterday, it was a quick one so no big deal really... But still, it'll be a while before I can show it off on the blog so stay tuned... It's nothing special really, but since I like to document everything I make (even the failed ones *cough*hammock*cough*), not being able to document a secret sucks...

Other than that, I continued on the cowl for Pickle! I started this about the same time as I started the hammock, but the dang "swedish weave" techique is so dang tedious to do and makes the knitting of the cowl go slower than snails! It looks pretty awesome though! I'll try my best to push it on until finished.

But since I grew tired of it again right after I started it (and then crashed), I moved on to some yarn cleaning! I'll blog more about that sometime later, cause I still got alot to go through...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Yarn winder!

A little while ago, I ordered myself a yarn winder off eBay for little to nothing! I've been wanting one of these since I first saw one, and today it finally arrived in the mail!

Look at the awesomeness! This thingy will wind up all my yarn into pretty little yarn cakes!

It's both easy and entertaining to use, so I got to restrain myself before I start to wind up everything in sight!

All you have to do is to thread the yarn through the yarn guide, push the end down in the notches on top of the cylinder and then pull the crack clockwise.

And that's all you got to do! The yarn wraps itself unto the cylinder and creates a pretty yarn cake!

When you got all the yarn weaved up, you just pull it off the cylinder, easy as that! Then you can start pulling the yarn from the center of the cake, it'll sit still and it'll be easy to pull out more while working. And it's cute! All the kawaii desu right now!

I got a feeling that I'll be winding up all my yarn from now on...

I am currently working on a secret project so excuse me for not doing a "progress of the day" update...

Progress of the day - 18th of feb

Again, it's been too long since I did one of these... I would have done one yesterday, but DropBox was being an ass and wouldn't let me upload pictures to the computer from my phone, so I didn't get the chance to post anything.

Anyway! Now that Batman is finished, I've picked up the rompers for baby CarCar. I'm more or less finished with the knitting part, gonna weave in the ends and finish what I got. I am planning on doing the remaining knitting (neckline and those things) after I've heard the gender. The blue color I got was too bold to work with the other gender neutral colors without feelin too "manly", so I'm waiting to hear if it's a boy (and then do the remaining in blue) or a girl (do the remaining in either purple or yellow).

I've also started a little something for Pepsi. Last week, someone posted a picture of a crochet hammock for cats hanging under a chair and I knew that I had to try and make one for Pepsi. He'll most likely ignore it since he doesn't like to lie soft for some reason...but I want to try! So I pulled out this Caron skein that I got from Tiffany and some blue polyester yarn I had and started crocheting a flat, sturdy piece with single crochet. I hate working with synthetic yarn! It's horrible! But for Pepsi and as an experiment, acryllic and polyester gives a better and sturdier result than wool would have. It doesn't stretch much.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Batman all done

Last blogpost about this, I promise!

Batman is now dry and I've been able to take good pictures of it! Enjoy! This is my own creation and based of a different pattern. Please, do not copy or alter it in any way. Knitted on 3,5mm needles in Silja superwash

Sunday, February 16, 2014

All the stuff I wanna make!

I got so many stuff I want to make, some may be realistic, while some are too far out there! And some might not even have patterns! But there's so many awesome knitted projects out there, I figure I'd make a blogpost about it. So prepare for awesomeness!

First off, here's a handfull from Ravelry! Now, all of these should have a working link, so click the pictures and check the original page!

Here's a handfull of Drops patterns I'd LOVE to make some day! Drops is my "go to" place when I search for patterns, and most of the time, they do not dissapoint me.

And I can't forget Pickles! They got so many awesome patterns in their store! I haven't done much from them before, but they do have a good varity of more modern knitwork.