Saturday, February 1, 2014

Packages from good friends!

I can't believe that I forgot to blog about this yesterday! I recieved a package from my dear friend Tiffany and I ment to post pictures of everything on my blog, but it totally slipped my mind!

First off, she sent me the package cause of our share-a-square event in our chat group. Two gorgeous squares and the first two to arrive at my door step.

A quick little explarnation about this event. We started in...when was it? April/may last year where we all would make atleast two squares for each of the other participants of the event. We started off pretty rocky, with three people quitting the party and others being too busy, so we decided to extend each turn a bit. The last turn ended on the 31st of december with me, Tiff and Car being the last people up to recieve squares.
We are supposed to each make a blanket out of the squares we've recieved and we should have 24 squares at the end, making a huge blanket! Each square measures 30,5cm x 30,5cm (12" x 12").

One of them are sadly a little loopsided. so I will have to redo the boarer a little so it will have the same shape as the rest of the squares, but I love them both so much! Thank you again, Tiff!

Tiff and I also decided to do a candy exchange since she lives in America and I live in Norway. She sent me the following snacks.

What she sent me is two boxes of thypical American flavoured Pringles. I was pretty psyked about this since we only have three flavours of Pringles over here (paprika, salt and sourcream&onion). The first time I tasted Ranch, I liked it cause it reminded me of the sourcream&onion one... But the more I ate, the more I could taste the vinegar and for me, they got worse and worse from there. The pizza one was the totally opposite! Starting off pretty odd and not so good, to then taste like the Chicken Pomm's from Maarud that we have over here, but with a more pizza sauce kick to it. I like it!
Then there's a bar of Hershey's...the...worst...chocolate...I've...ever...tasted! It was an experience, that's for sure. Need to send her back some of the real chocolate we got over here. She also sent Caramel Creams, which tastes exactly...though a little less the Cow Tails that Pickle sent me and a box of Wether's Original hard caramel candies which tastes and looks exactly like some kind of caramels we had over here when I was a kid.

If all of this weren't enough, she also sent me a few items.

At Tiff's part time job, she got a bunch of these note books one day that they were going to toss out. The pages are lines and organized in a way that it would be perfect to use for my knitting projects, just like the little purple notebook I'm using allready. She also sent me a apple flavoured chapstick, which was well needed and dang sweet and a ball of Caron Super Soft, an acryllic yarn brand. We had an discussion about acryllic yarn some time ago (note to self: need to start working on the syntethich vs natural yarn blogpost soon), and she said that when most people prefered Caron Super Soft, she liked Red Heart better cause it didn't split as much as Caron does. So she sent me a ball of some she had lying around to try out for myself... Now, I'm not that big with acryllic yarn, so I don't know when I'll get to use this, but I will try it out sometime.

Thank you again, Tiffy! This is all so wonderfull!

But that's not the only package I recieved from a friend yesterday. My old school mate and IRL friend, "Bale" sent me a belated birthday present. A beautiful, green fountain pen with one blue ink cartridge and six black ones and green note/sketchbook. It was sent directly to me from the people she ordered it from so I also got a "free sample", a simple "normal" pen as well.
All the awesomeness! Thank you so much, Bale!

But it doesn't stop there! Today I recieved my share-a-square square from Susan! Another member of our little chat group, and another American friend of mine. She's a sweet heart and decided to make each of us in the last round (since we were the people organizing this event) four squares each! But instead of making me four individual squares, she made me a huge one instead! A long time ago, I mentioned for her how awesome this techique was but I could never make it myself since it's a more advanced type of granny square...aka crochet... So she took that and made me a gigantic square with it!

I haven't measured it yet, but it should measure about 61cm x 61cm (24"x24").

So thank you everybody for these wonderfull gifts! Tiff, I will be sending yours out with the squares as soon as I've gotten my candy shopping on.

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