So I recently got around to try the Lemon Lime Kool-Aid, and at first it tasted like a knock-off 7up, but as I kept drinking, it got worse and worse and I couldn't even drink half of the bottle I made (for your information, I make half the package at the time, I just don't have a big enough container). So I put the rest of it aside for some yarn dyeing!
I used only half a package + two packages of Lemonade. I wanted a more difuse and spotty greenish tone, so I mixed a little Lemon Lime into the Lemonade and poured it over, then I went over again with the rest of the Lemon Lime and finished it up with the second Lemonade package. Lemonade is super light yellow color and hardly did much to the yarn by itself, so that's why I used double.
Fun times! I'm currently just waiting for it to cool down...and in the mean time, I started bleaching some cotton! I dug through my bag of cotton yarn and pulled out two more Bomull Sport, this time in orange and deep magenta color.
I let them sit for about 20 minutes this time, and the result is much better. It took a while before it started to change the magenta one, but the orange showed some result pretty quickly. In the end, the magenta got a very subtle gradient over to a lighter hot pink while the orange got all firey!
And I decided to do a little experiment at the end. I got three skeins of some cotton yarn I've never used before from Star during LAC's Secret Santa exchange. They're called Bernat Handicrafter Cotton and is alot thicker and more corse than the type of cotton I'm used too. Kinda want to try and make crochet dishcloths with them...
Two shades of green and one variegated. The darkest green seemed a little boring on its own, so why not try and bleach that too? I squeesed out as much of the leftover bleaching liquids from the two Bomull Sport skeins and dipped it in, not expecting the best of results since it was second use bleach. But any result at all would be noteworthy for me, and it would brighten up the color anyway.
It didn't show much promise at first, but when I got to wet the whole skein and rinsing it off, it gave me a kinda camo result. I love it!
I'll probably blog about these to show of the final result when they're all dry and purrty, so stick around! In the mean time, you can read more in detail about Kool-Aid dyeing and cotton bleaching earlier in my blog from the last time I did it!
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