Sunday, January 5, 2014

My knitting progress - 4th jan.

Yeah...don't tell my mom that I'm staying up this late...

Anyway! I almost forgot making a progress of the day post so here it is now! I'm almost finished with the left mitten, only the thumb left now, which will go by fast! Then there's weaving in ends which are more tedious than anything else, and then stitching on the diamond snowflake...which is a pain and tedious at the same time cause it takes too long and it's a b***h if I screw it up.
I also started the third skein and I'm staying WAY below 3 skein + scraps...don't think I even needed the scraps! Oh well, all the more to use for other projects... BTW, I'm not going to count my use of yarn (you know in the yarn counter on the right here) until after I'm finished with a project...or I might start counting it like I did last year (hah, I can say that now). I noted down all the yarn I used on one of those post-it widgits on my dekstop and them added them all up and then added the numbers into my yarn counter after a certain time. I know it sounds like it would take way much more time that way, but in reality no, cause going in to edit and save the yarn counter (both on my blog and on dA) took a long time for each skein I used...or maybe I'm just lazy...

On a different note, I took pictures on how I made the thumb and was thinking about showing off how it's done this way. I know I had problems understanding how to do it the very first time I tried, so it could be good knowledge for some beginners out there. Now, I'm not saying that these thumbs are good for all kinds of mittens and gloves, they usually look and fit the best if there's a thumb gusset as well...but that's for another time. So stay tuned for tomorrow when I'll be writing that blogpost... It's gonna be a hell lot of blue pictures x_x

But anyway, bed time for me now! I should have been sleeping five hours ago but hey, I'm a night owl...and it's sue me!
I got a new link for you guys if you want your own emoticons. They're still awesome and Annet is still a sweetie and super amazing so please go check it out!

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